
Today the behavioural science of psychology has made rapid advances in enabling human understanding and appreciation of their real potential. Krea trains professionals in psychometrics to facilitate better understanding of self as well as people around oneself in the personal, professional and social envelope. 

BAT 9, a battery of nine psychometric assessments is offered as part of the product basket, either as a whole or in parts as found appropriate. The battery of scientific assessments based on the research of prominent psychologists helps you become aware to optimize and capitalize on their strengths and capabilities. The results of such high value assessments, impact directly on performance improvement both in task as well as people management. 

People from all walks of life can benefit from being trained on understanding the human being in a very extremely holistic manner in terms of Attitude, Beliefs, Values, Competency and Personality. Krea is in association with Oscar Murphy International, a reputed name in the world of psychometrics globally.


 The BAT 9

FITS - Personality Profiling Inventory (based on Carl Gustav Jung's research)

4 C's Factors of Behaviour (based on William Marston's research)

People Performance Competency 20 (based on the research by Boyatis and others)

Multiple Intelligence ( based on Howard Gardner's research)

Behaviour Pattern Analysis (based on Skinner's research)

Communication Pattern Analysis (based on Eric Berne's research)

Learning Style Preferences – PRES (based on research by Kurt Lewin, David Kolb,John Dewey and Jean Piaget)

Learning Styles – VAK (based on Neil D Fleming's research)

Learning Styles – CARS (based on Anthony F Gregor's research)


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